The book “No Excuses Mindset!” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List

books mindset Aug 20, 2020

New Life Vision, LLC recently announced that the book “No Excuses Mindset!” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List, topping bestselling authors such as N.Y. Times Best Selling Author Gary Vaynerchuk, and Shark Tanks Daymond John.
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New York-New Life Vision, LLC recently announced that the book “No Excuses Mindset!” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List, topping bestselling authors such as N.Y. Times Best Selling Author Gary Vaynerchuk, and Shark Tanks Daymond John.

“Farshad Asl is an amazing and inspirational business leader, and I am not surprised by the book’s success,” said publisher, TC Bradley.

With the odds stacked against him and every reason not to succeed, author Farshad Asl—a man of conviction and determination—chose to press forward.

“When I first arrived in America October of 1998, I had $400.00 in my pocket and a deep desire to transform my life. America was the...

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